Frequently Asked Questions

Smilezone dental bangladesh
What is Endodontics?

Some of our patients have questions about endodontics and the services our team provides. Below are some of the frequently asked questions and answers. Feel free to reach out to the our team for additional information or to book your appointment.

What is an Endodontist?

It is a specialized area of dentistry that focuses on the care of the insides of the teeth, including the roots and pulp. Endodontists are dentists who have completed specialized certification in the field of endodontics and focus on caring for and preserving the tissues within and around the teeth. Proper endodontic treatment can help preserve a patient’s natural teeth by removing diseased pulp that develops from trauma, gum disease, infection, or other causes.

I’m Worried About X-Rays. Is There a Risk of Adverse Effects From Radiation?

We use an advanced non-film system called digital radiography. This x-ray system produces up to 90% less radiation per use than standard x-ray machines and allows us to easily provide our patients with digital copies of their x-rays. While there is some radiation, it’s about 100th of what a typical CT scan would emit.

What Is the Risk of Infection With Endodontic Care?

Our team ensures there is minimal risk of infection when you come to our office for treatment. We adhere to all health and safety standards very strictly. Our autoclave and barrier sterilization techniques eliminate the risk of infection in our treatment center.

What Happens After Endodontic Treatment?

After your root canal or other endodontic procedure, our team will send your radiographs and treatment record to your dentist so you can arrange restorative follow-up care. In some cases, a patient may need to visit again for follow-up treatment before going to a general dentist for restorative treatment. Complications with microsurgery or typical endodontic treatments are very rare, but our team is available to address any and all concerns as they arise.

Why Should I Save My Natural Tooth?

The treatment of teeth using endodontic methods helps to keep your natural teeth. Saving your natural tooth allows you to maintain the natural structure of your mouth and jaw, allowing you to continue chewing normally. In fact, in a study it was found that endodontically treated natural teeth may provide more effective contact during chewing compared with implant-supported restorations, leading to more efficient chewing.

How Do I Know If I Need a Root Canal?

Root canals are a fairly common procedure in our country. The most common symptoms include tooth tenderness, swelling in the mouth and face, and tooth pain. If you report these symptoms to a general dentist, the dentist will likely refer you to an endodontist for treatment. It’s vital to ask a dentist or endodontist about any symptoms you experience that may indicate the need for a root canal. 

Is Endodontic Treatment Painful?

The team at Smile ZOne Dental aims to lessen discomfort for every procedure we perform. All endodontists must have at least two years of training beyond dental school, which means they specialize in treating the most sensitive areas of our mouths with advanced learning techniques. Our doctors are highly trained, skillful, and adept at leveraging advancing technology for our patients’ benefit. This translates to more patient comfort, less anxiety, and less pain.